• info@pastoralistconcern.org
  • +251-11-442-6232


Through EWT, PC has reached about 56,119 (M 28,333 F 27,786) people in Afdher zone. Water scarcity was one of the most outstanding                     problems    faced    by       the communities in Afdher Zone, all the traditional water reservoirs and wells have dried due to failure of three consecutive rainy seasons. The affected communities lost their livestock which were their main source of livelihood. Hence, PC EWT support was timely and surely reduced WASH-related Morbidity and mortality hazards due to increased access to safe drinking water by this project. PC had established 2 water treatment centers which were established at Wayeb river and (50 M3/day) to cure and treat water before distributing to the community. The water was treated in three stages. First, the water had been treated in the established 2 water treatment centers, secondly, using almunium sulfate the water had also been treated when poured to water trucks and finaly, the beneficiaries treated the water themselves

8 PC in support with Somali Microfinance had been transferring ETB 1,200 per person for 1,590 drought affected people in 4 rounds for the last 7 months.

using PC distributed water purifiers. A total number 50 Hygiene and sanitation meetings were conducted. And because of this robust three level Water treatment and hygiene messages transmitted for 21,000 people (11,490 males and 9,510 female) on water distribution sites, No AWD outbreaks were reported during this time of water distribution & reduction of water borne diseases in this project areas was observed. In addition to these, PC major achivements beneficiary communities & IDPs were also washing their hands after defecation. And they were able to practice this due to sufficient & clean water they accessed. Besides, Pregnant women and lactating cmothers work burden have been

reduced due to PC EWT as they were able to access water easily. The availability of EWT reduces women workload from previous experiences which demand women to go more than 50 KM to fetch water. PC EWT Project had averted massive displacement in the affected sites; if it was not for PC EWT support more than 46,700 people would have been displaced from their homes. Also, PC costructed pit latrines at 4 different schools in Liban zone benefited majorly school girls. And availability of latrines in these schools has markedly reduced the practice of open defacation & the incidence of AWD.

The other major PC intervention in this reporting period was rehabilitation of wells and water points at Afdher & Liban Zones. And accordingly in collaboration with zonal and district water offices an assessment to identify & rehabilitate potential existing hand dug shallow wells was conducted, the assessment had identified and recommended rehabilitation of 8 shallow wells, 4 birkas and 1 un-functional hand pump wells located in the drought affected areas of Dollobay, Godgod, Qohle, Hudet and Filtu districts. And based on the assessment findings different activities9 were performed; Civil works10 for these sites were carried out.

And in doing so PC improved access to adequate, clean and safe drinking water for worst affected people. Provision of water in institutions for prioritized target areas like 2 Primary schools & 2 health posts in Allan & Darso Kebeles and 2 health centers in Qohle & Godogod districts were achieved. Hygiene messages that focused on critical time of hand washings, safe water chain, safe excretal disposal and safe food handling has been delivered to the community through house to house visit by PC community mobilizer’s at kebele level for a total of 3,500 HH with a total number of 21,000 people (11,490 males and 9,510 female).

Provision of watertogether with interventions on water quality and community mobilization and awareness on safe handling of water were undertaken. Hence, house hold level hygiene and sanitation, Personal hygiene & Environmental cleaning in the area has been improved.


Morethan 134,190 people (Male 71,154 Female 63,036) get access to clean water from PC 2017 WASH support projects. And

260 community volunteers participated through different aspects as (WASH Cos, CAHWs & Water treatment technicians) and support the humanitarian and recovery work of PC in 2017.


Under its humaniterian and recovery projects PC has reached 281,119 (Male 148,993 and Female 132,126) drought affected people in Afdher & Liban zones of Ethiopian Somali Region in the year 2017. Allan, Darso, Qohle & Koleki IDPs were supported by PC for AWD medicine kits, CfW, EWT and Animal treatment & Vacination supports. And this in return averts resource competition & reduceconflict between IDPs & host communities.


And finally, Though lack of potable water affects all, most affected members of the societies are by and large women & children. They used to fetch water from long distance places traveling for hours. In addition to benefiting women by reducing such burdens, PC WASH activities create a chance for women to have a spare time to take care of their HHs and were also able to involve in WASHCOs to manage PC constructed water points. PC WASH project minimized women’s house hold workloads by making water available at home or nearby. Moreover, job oportunities were also created for the youth residing in the PC project implementation areas